Map from 1875

ALDRICH, Listed as a post office from 1882 to 1891 in Wright County, but the location not found. (Believed
to be north, somewhere by St. Olaf church, and actually just over the county line)
BACH GROVE. A post office (1858-81) in the southern part of Troy Township near the Boone River. The town also boasted a lumber mill and flour mill.
BRUCE. A post office from 1883 to 1893 and from 1897 to 1901 in section 15, Norway Township.
CROWN POINT. The original name of that portion of the present town of Belmond that is west of the Iowa River, previous to its platting in 1856.
DREW. A post office (1892-1901) in section 16, Norway Township.
DRY LAKE. A post office (1871-82) in the northern part of section 16, Vernon Township.
EAGLE GROVE. The post office of Eagle Grove was near the northeast corner of section 20, Eagle Grove Tow
nship, two miles north and about two miles west of the present town of Eagle Grove, from 1861 until the founding of the town in 1881.
EAGLE GROVE JUNCTION. The name of the present town of Eagle Grove when it was platted in 1881.
EAGLEVILLE. Selected as the county seat and platted as a town in 1855 in the southeast quarter of section 12, Eagle Grove Township. However, the town was never built and the county seat was given in 1857 to Liberty, which see below.
EMPIRE. A post office (1868-83) in section 26, Lincoln Township.
FRYEBURG. A post office (1856-86) in the northeastern part of section 4, Blaine Township, near where now stands the town of Rowan.
ame for a time of the present town of Galt. See Norwich below. The post office was Galtville from 1882 to 1888.
GRANT. The name first given to the present city of Clarion when it was made the county seat in 1855 and until 1869, when it became Clarion.
LENA. A post office from March 27, 1882 to June 7, 1886 with mail service coming from the town of Rowan. The postmaster was William Kent. The post office Was located in Section 22 of Iowa township (one mile north of Rowan) in house still standing and owned by Daniel Smith (2006) ] This information was submitted by Verle Crafton of Rowan, Iowa in September 2006. It is not part of the Annals of Iowa source.
rmer name of the present town of Goldfield. Liberty was platted in 1855.It was the county seat from 1858 to 1865.
LUNI. A post office (1858-88) at the center of Boone Township.
MONTGOMERY. A post office from May 5, 1864, to December 12 of the same year, on the Boone River a short distance north of the present town of Goldfield.
MORHAIN. A post office (1897-1902) in section 4, Wall Lake Township.
MOSCOW. A place in the northwestern part of Dayton Township as shown on maps from1857 to 1878.
NORWICH. The first name given the present town of Galt. Norwich was platted in 1881.The name was soon changed to Galtville, and later to Galt.
OTISVILLE. The name of the post office at the town of Dows from 1858 to 1880.
OTSEGO. Platte
d as a town in 1855 in sections 2 and 3, Eagle Grove Township.
PALSVILLE. A former station on the Great Western Railroad and a post office (1898-1902) in section 10, Pleasant Township. A farmers elevator still operates there.
ROSEDALE. A post office from 1857 to 1860 and again from 1877 to 1886 in then northwestern part of Troy Township.
THRALL. A former platted town and station on the C.& N. W. Railway. about one mile north of the presen
t town of Goldfield. Post office 1882-1907.
WATERMAN. A post office (1871-1900) in the northwestern part of section 29, Wall Lake Township.
WILLIAMS POINT. A place a short distance north of the center of Troy Township, as shown on maps of 1862 to 1869.
WOOLSTOCK. The post office of Woolstock from 1868 to 1881 was some two miles east of the present town of that name.