Hotel/Motel Tax
Funds received have been used to create updated postcards and gift sacks to use in the gift shop, plus a feather flag indicating the museum corner. Items are to promote Clarion. In previous years the tax has funded new brochures and an AED for the community room.
Historical Resource Development Program

We received a grant from the State Historical Society, Inc. to organize and archival file material from O.H. Benson, and the early days of 4-H.
Bayer Crop Science

We received a grant for animal pelts, tracks, and posters which can be viewed in our prairie display.

Hagies Manufacturing provided funds to plant two trees and various shrubs and flowers around the schoolhouse. We selected flowers that were popular during the early 1900's.
Hotel/Motel Tax Grant
Clarion Lions Club
Clarion Ruritans
New windows in the 4-H schoolhouse were provided by funding from the Hotel/Motel tax fund, Clarion Lions Club, and Clarion Ruritans. The outside of the schoolhouse was then painted by Jim Hill, board member.
Humanities Iowa
This grant paid for speakers for 2023. The programs were: DNA and genealogy; Barn Quilts, and Barn History. 2024 program was "Researching your Civil War Ancestors"
State Historical Society
We were able to purchase stands, which hold historical information on the tractors in the Red Shed. It also funded special tractor related brochures.
Wright County Charitable Foundation
How Women Helped Settle Wright County has been added! Mannequins dressed for their time period tell the story of how they lived. Both educational and fun, this is more of what we have to offer.